Those who have taken our Texas CHL class may recall being shown laminated examples of the two "standard" Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission signs: the RED and black lettered 51% sign and the BLUE and black lettered "unlicensed possession" sign. The sign with "51%" in red letters is normally a definite "no go" (at least while carrying) as it is intended to designate the establishment derives 51% or more of its revenue from alcohol related products for on-site consumption.
Confusion is created all too frequently when businesses post incorrect signage. As examples, in Flower Mound alone, I have seen a 51% sign posted at a convenience store on 2499 as well as the semi-new Fuzzy's west of Marcus High School. This may simply be the result of the business receiving a packet of signage from TABC when they receive their liquor license and some uninformed employee putting up the wrong one - or putting up both, not knowing any better!
In any event, if you see a 51% sign posted in a questionable location, do not hesitate to "drop a dime" on them at 940-349-2877 (or TABC will generally send out an agent to investigate and the proper sign will likely be in place shortly. ;-)
What we don't want to mention to the business or to TABC is the 30.06 sign, which may be a topic for next time.
Confusion is created all too frequently when businesses post incorrect signage. As examples, in Flower Mound alone, I have seen a 51% sign posted at a convenience store on 2499 as well as the semi-new Fuzzy's west of Marcus High School. This may simply be the result of the business receiving a packet of signage from TABC when they receive their liquor license and some uninformed employee putting up the wrong one - or putting up both, not knowing any better!
In any event, if you see a 51% sign posted in a questionable location, do not hesitate to "drop a dime" on them at 940-349-2877 (or TABC will generally send out an agent to investigate and the proper sign will likely be in place shortly. ;-)
What we don't want to mention to the business or to TABC is the 30.06 sign, which may be a topic for next time.